
Breast self examination

How to do a breast self-examination

Did you know that breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women and is increasing every year. As much as we love and celebrate our femininity, just being a women puts you at risk for breast cancer. So knowing what your breasts look and feel like on a normal day allows you…
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How to do your kegels correctly

What are Kegels and am I doing it correctly?

This article was written as a guest blog for Abrazo and Coze Kegels. I’m sure you must have come across this word at some point in your life. There’s even all this media and advice out there with slogans like, ‘I’m doing my Kegels right now’, or ‘do your Kegels’  but what EXACTLY is a…
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6 Top breastfeeding tips for New Moms I had it all mapped out. The very first time that I breastfeed was going to be perfect! When I brought him near, a light would shine down from the heavens like the one in The Lion King, and we would lovingly gaze into each other’s’ eyes and…
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Menstrual Cup 101

What is a Menstrual Cup and how do you use it anyway? When I first discovered the menstrual cup 2 years ago, my first thoughts were ‘’How am I supposed to fit that big thing up there?” I could not even begin to imagine the mechanics of it. The more I researched it, the more…
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What is a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist?

What EXACTLY does a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist do? If you googled physiotherapy, I’m certain the words ‘sports’ and ‘massage’ would pop up. That was exactly my opinion of Physiotherapy before I started my studies. I’d like to think that everybody knows what we do, but for those of you who don’t, here’s the easiest description…
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The Outer Bits

My son is currently at that age where, given an audience, he will proudly run around naked screaming, ‘’Look at my penis!! Look at my penis!!’’  Part of me wants to swoon and say, “Aww, cute!’’ While the other part is trying to avoid raising a sexual deviant. At that age, it’s so easy to…
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Incontinence. No laughing matter.

Incontinence…no laughing matter. I’ve always been able to control my bladder for hours on end. I’m not very proud of that record, as it developed out of necessity. My sometimes fast paced job, didn’t always allow me time to run off to the loo, but after the birth of my son, boy did all of…
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